Starts in 2008, this anthology Jean Gilles performed by Les Passions and the Chamber Choir The Elements ends this year with the release of a music box set. Internationally remarked by the critics and support since the beggining by La Chaise-Dieu Festival. This daring anthology is now considered like one of the base reference of the famous Requiem or the majestical Te Deum plus the fist International recording of la Messe en Ré.
Label Ligia, april 2013 – Artistic direction : Olivier Vernet / Aline Blondiau
4 **** de Classica
- Requiem
- Lamentations
- Te Deum
- Messe en ré
- Motets Diligam te, Domine – Cantate Jordanis Incolae
Anne Magouët, dessus
Vincent Lièvre-Picard, haute-contre
Bruno Boterf et Jean-François Novelli, taille
Alain Buet, basse-taille
Les Passions – Orchestre Baroque de Montauban
Choeur de chambre Les Eléments (Joël Suhubiette)
Jean-Marc Andrieu, direction
Available on online shop for 25 €